
Like most of us, I have a mound of Christmas knitting in front of me. I just finished the last dishcloth of my list- and I felt my brain go numb from the miles of garter stitch that I had just completed. It's been awhile since I've challenged myself with my knitting. I think the last project I did that really challenged me to push myself further was the Autism Scarf I made for my aunt last year.

So, despite all the Christmas project (which is thankfully coming along nicely), I cast on a project that, not only is it for me, but it challenges me as a knitter.


I've only ever knit one doily pattern successfully,  and that was a much smaller, much less complicated one- only a few inches in diameter, using sport weight yarn. Pomegranate allegedly comes to about 6.5 feet, and uses thread weight and size ones.

This might take me awhile, but it'll be worth it. Knitting itself is an act of love, pouring ourselves into every stitch, but one that takes this much concentration and time and effort... I consider myself a process knitter, but the end result, especially one this complicated, makes it worth it.

I'm sure before I'm done- LONG before I'm done, I'll have frogged it several times (I've already frogged it once), consumed a lot of alcohol and chocolate and have sworn very loudly and quite often.

And I'll chronicle every moment of it of it.


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