
What is it about deadlines that makes me knit slower? In college, deadlines just made me type faster (and actually, I did better with them looming over me like some monster from a cheesy horror movie) but with knitting, quite the opposite.

I'm sure many of you know what I'm talking about, with Christmas on the horizon, and for those of us who need to ensure that the post office gets our brightly colored packages to their destinations in time, the deadline is far before December 25th.

So what do I do with a ball of yellow and a ball of orange Cascade 220 that has a pre- December 25th deadline that just does not want to be knit? What do I do with the quilt that has a deadline of December 1st, because it is a housewarming present for someone moving in to his first condo on the 2nd, but just wants to sit there. The top is pieced, the backing and batting bought, it's just a matter of putting it all together.

Every January, I say I will not do Christmas knitting this year. I say I can't, it's not worth the stress, the aggrivation, the hurt when the finished object is ultimately tossed aside like yesterday's newspaper.

Then like clockwork, every October, I go into a tizzy looking for the perfect yarn for the perfect pattern for some dear friend. Or I get some crazy, last minute idea of how best to show my love for this person because my words are usually lacking.


I hate deadlines.


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