Where Does The Time Go?
I remember growing up, certainly in my elementary and middle school years, where summer vacation was like a long, lazy pause in time. Not so much by the time I got to high school, when I had band practice and band camp and a part time job cashiering at a local supermarket, but when I was young, the summer days dragged forever, never ending until Labor Day came and suddenly Mom was waking me up at way-too-early-o'clock to catch the bus and another school year was beginning.
I miss those days.
Now it seems like as soon as summer gets here, we're preparing for it's end. The days go faster and faster until suddenly another whole year's gone by and we're back to where we began.
I haven't written in awhile, mostly because I didn't know what to say. More accurately, I felt like I didn't have anything to say. I knew what I was feeling but I didn't know how to express it. Earlier today, I decided to just take out the metaphorical blank piece of paper and just see what words came out.
Honestly, I was a bit surprised to see that my last blog post was in April of 2016. How has it been over a year without anything to say?
That's not to say I have been idle. I've been thinking. I've been thinking a lot of thoughts, and now they're in some form of a cohesive format. (Thanks to Jen, who seemed to know exactly what questions to ask to bring me to the words I needed.)
I've decided that for one thing, I'm going to stop doing the craft fairs. The two I've signed up for, I'm still going to do. I still have a bit of inventory, and yarn, and I've made the commitment. But after that? I'm done.
I'm going to put my main focus into my etsy shop- EvidentlyMotley. Over the past year and a half, I've reduced my handknitted and sewn items to almost zilch (I've still got the line of pin cushion thread catchers in there- price reduced for quick sale) and I've expanded my line of stitch markers.
To help get my long term goals going (and to tie into my ramblings at the beginning of this post), I'm offering a coupon- from now until September 4th, 10% off every order of at least $10. Coupon code BACKTOSCHOOL2017
I miss those days.
Now it seems like as soon as summer gets here, we're preparing for it's end. The days go faster and faster until suddenly another whole year's gone by and we're back to where we began.
I haven't written in awhile, mostly because I didn't know what to say. More accurately, I felt like I didn't have anything to say. I knew what I was feeling but I didn't know how to express it. Earlier today, I decided to just take out the metaphorical blank piece of paper and just see what words came out.
Honestly, I was a bit surprised to see that my last blog post was in April of 2016. How has it been over a year without anything to say?
That's not to say I have been idle. I've been thinking. I've been thinking a lot of thoughts, and now they're in some form of a cohesive format. (Thanks to Jen, who seemed to know exactly what questions to ask to bring me to the words I needed.)
I've decided that for one thing, I'm going to stop doing the craft fairs. The two I've signed up for, I'm still going to do. I still have a bit of inventory, and yarn, and I've made the commitment. But after that? I'm done.
I'm going to put my main focus into my etsy shop- EvidentlyMotley. Over the past year and a half, I've reduced my handknitted and sewn items to almost zilch (I've still got the line of pin cushion thread catchers in there- price reduced for quick sale) and I've expanded my line of stitch markers.

To help get my long term goals going (and to tie into my ramblings at the beginning of this post), I'm offering a coupon- from now until September 4th, 10% off every order of at least $10. Coupon code BACKTOSCHOOL2017
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